Friday, January 16, 2009

A New Type of Obama Inspired Advertising: Tropicana Squeeze Ad with Obama & Kids Lookalikes.

This is amazing to me. Tropicana has joined the Obama inspired marketing bandwagon. It's becoming a crowded field with Pepsi leading the way, followed by Ikea's welcome signature book and a host of others.

This, though, is different. Pepsi's new "optimism" campaign was inspired by the big, lofty ideas that Millennials hold. These ads are just slick attempts to imitate the Obama family album. It's Dad & the kids. Obama family values

There are multiple ironies here. As far as I can tell Pepsi owns Tropicana. Are they planning to employ the optimism strategy with multiple brands? These Tropicana ads were created by Arnell...the agency that redesigned the Pepsi bottle to more closely resemble Obama's campaign logo.

Given all this admiration, I hope the clients and the agency/ies are going to be on the Plaza Tuesday...or at least giving everyone the day off.

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Photograph by Jugular Advertising.

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